Spring Boulder Club

Join us for Spring Bouldering Club!  The rules are simple and its free for members! 


  • You can have a team of up to 3 people or go solo!
  • Intermediate (< V5) and Advanced (>V4) categories!
  • Every Tuesday, we'll set 10-15 new problems.  You or your team has until the following Tuesday to score problems
  • Each member of a team will score their top 5 problems and add them together for a total score
  • Your top 3 weeks count towards your total score.
  • 1st place team and individual in each category will recieve a prize.
  • End of season bloc party (April 19th) with raffle prizes and food!
  • Every week you participate in earns you one raffle ticket


  • Starts Tuesday, March 4th


  • You can register you or your team at any point during Boulder Club
  • Registration opening soon