Climbing Team

Advanced Team

Our competition team competes locally in competitions across the intermountain region and nationally in the regional, divisional and national USA Climbing series. Aside from several appearances in national championship events, our teams have produced oustanding members of our local community and beyond. Our climbing team not only teaches your child to be a skilled rock warrior, but a skilled human as well!

Requirements Cost
  • Team dues are TBA for the spring semester with additional practices for regional participants and DO NOT include a membership. A membership is required for team members.
  • Members of the team are required to provide their own gear. To ease the burden of this cost, members are offered additional discounts at our shop.
    • You can anticipate spending around $70 - $300
  • Competition team members are required to purchase a 'Competitor Membership' from USA Climbing. The current cost is $105.
  • You can anticipate travel costs to and from competitions

Tryouts Registration

Club Team

Our club team receives the same level of coaching as our competition team but is not required to compete in the local USA Climbing series

  • Ages 9 - 17
  • Tryouts are required.
  • Must attend ONE local competiton
  • Must be willing to try hard and participate in workouts and training
  • Must attend 90% of practices (see practice schedule)
  • Tuesday and Thursday @ 4:00pm - 6:00pm
  • Not required to attend competitions but encouraged
  • Team dues are TBA for the fall semester and DO NOT include a membership. A membership is required for team members.
  • Members of the team are required to provide their own gear. To ease the burden of this cost, members are offered additional discounts at our shop.
    • You can anticipate spending around $70 - $300
  • If they wish to compete, you can purchase an 'Introductory Membership' or a 'Competitor Membership' from USA Climbing. The current cost is $30 and $105 respectively.
  • If competing, you can anticipate travel costs to and from competitions

Tryouts Registration

Development Team

Our development team receives the same level of coaching as our competition team but is not required to compete in the local USA Climbing series. This team is intended for younger kids wanting to compete.

  • Ages 9 - 17
  • Tryouts are required.
  • Must attend ONE local competiton
  • Must be willing to try hard and participate in workouts and training
  • Must attend 90% of practices (see practice schedule)
  • Monday and Wednesday @ 4:00pm - 5:30pm
  • Not required to attend competitions but encouraged
  • Team dues are TBA for the fall semester and DO NOT include a membership. A membership is required for team members.
  • Members of the team are required to provide their own gear. To ease the burden of this cost, members are offered additional discounts at our shop.
    • You can anticipate spending around $70 - $300
  • If they wish to compete, you can purchase an 'Introductory Membership' or a 'Competitor Membership' from USA Climbing. The current cost is $30 and $105 respectively.
  • If competing, you can anticipate travel costs to and from competitions

Tryouts Registration